Monday 26 May 2014

Solution To Poverty And Unemployment In Nigeria- Radical Approach.

Solution to Poverty & Unemployment in Nigeria-A decisive & radical approach
This is from a concerned heart and a patriotic Nigerian.
Fellow Nigerians,
What am about to share with you is the very information that changed my status from that of the unemployed to the being employed/employer and from a poor man who can hardly feed himself to a man who is financially stable and can take good care of his family. So I recommend that you read it properly and apply it right. - Happy reading.
It is no longer news that the number one problem that plagues all categories of people in this country is poverty and unemployment, the media –radio & TV –and everybody talks about it, if you open the newspaper you will get gamut of statistical information about the pandemicity of poverty and unemployment in Nigeria. But am baffled because nobody seems to be offering or talking about the solutions, nobody seems to be coming up with a way out and day-in, day-out the statistics of poverty and unemployment keep increasing with new and fresh graduates that are released into the market every year.
  I know what am about to tell you may be shocking and senseless to you, but I believe you are reading this because you want to get out of poverty cycle, so I plead with you keep reading as you will soon discover the secrets I used to get out of the cycle myself. The solution to poverty and unemployment in Nigeria is for individual to take his/her destiny in his/her own hand, what do I mean by this? –GET INTO THE RIGHT BUSINESS. I know It may sound absurd, as you might have tried a number of businesses that have failed, or heard about those that have failed, or better still you are not business-inclined/ don’t know which business to venture into, have no startup capital…etc. All these reasons seem justifiable but you will notice that I said THE RIGHT BUSINESS, because not all business can get you out of poverty and unemployment, in fact some will even worsen it, and not all business will be compatible with your nature, passion and ego. So what I mean by a right business is that business that will get you out of poverty and unemployment cycle as fast as possible! These are the businesses am taking about: for some of them you don’t need any capital to start as you already have what it takes to start if you can read this article to this stage, for some you need very little capital to start and others you need only….
 TWENTY(20) of these RIGHT BUSINESSES I have fully researched and tested myself and am very sure you will found at least TEN(10) of these you can operate either on part-time or full time basis .for detailed information on these 20 guaranteed business ventures or call/sms 08033197152.Remember that you are responsible for your decisions, actions and fortunes in life and History will not forgive you for failing to act. ACT NOW!!!

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